North Carolina Archaeological Council
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North Carolina Archaeological Council Bylaws


Section 1. Annual dues for membership shall be $15.00. Any change deemed necessary shall be approved by the Executive Committee and presented to the Council at its annual meeting.


Section 1. The Executive Committee shall prepare the annual budget covering the program, expenses, and all other phases of the Council's activities for the forthcoming year. The budget is to be presented to the Council at its annual meeting.


Section 1. The Chairman of the Council shall assure the accomplishment of all policies established by the Council. The Chairman shall be ex-officio member of all committees and Chairman of the Executive Committee.

Section 2. The Vice chairman shall assume the duties of the Chairman in his/her absence, or at the Chairman's request.

Section 3. The Secretary-Treasurer shall have charge of all records of action by the Council. He/she shall keep records of all meetings of the Council and of the Executive Committee. The Secretary-Treasurer shall keep copies of the constitution and bylaws in his/her notebook at all times for ready reference. He/she shall keep a list of the members of the Council and issue notices of all meetings and handle the general correspondence of the Council. The Secretary-Treasurer shall at the expiration of each year submit to the Chairman a summary of the Council's activities for the year.

Section 4. The Secretary-Treasurer shall have custody of all funds of the Council and shall receive and disburse all moneys in accordance with the policies established by the Council.

  • a. Expenses not provided for in the budget or changes in the budget shall be incurred or changed only upon approval of the Executive Committee. The Secretary-Treasurer shall keep full and accurate accounts and shall present financial statements as required by the Council. He/she shall turn over to his/her successor all books and financial records and take a listed receipt therefore.
  • b. All checks shall be signed by the Secretary-Treasurer or by the Chairman.


Section 1. The Executive Committee shall assist the Chairman in carrying out the duties of his office. The Executive Committee shall submit a report at each meeting summarizing its activities since the previous meeting. The Executive Committee shall receive requests from any committee and the Chairman, and annually shall submit a proposed budget to the Council at its annual meeting.

Section 2. The Executive Committee will aid in policy stands to promote comprehensive and effective legislation pertaining to all aspects of archaeology in North Carolina. The Executive Committee shall serve as an advisory group to the Office of Archives and History.

  • a. The Executive Committee will review and evaluate disputed archaeological contract reports when asked by any of the parties involved. The disputed project will be reviewed by all members of the Executive Committee with the exception of the State Archaeologist and any members of the Executive Committee who are principals. In the event of an impasse, the Executive Committee will seek review by someone with expertise in the particular situation or area under question. The Executive Committee shall advise the principals of the dispute of their evaluation in writing.
  • b. At the request of any member of the North Carolina Archaeological Council, the Executive Committee shall render an opinion regarding specific National Register Nominations.
Section 3. The Membership Committee shall consist of four members appointed by the Chairman for terms of two years, and they shall be able to serve again on the membership committee only after the lapse of another two years after the end of their original term in office.

Section 4. Other standing committees may be constituted at any annual meeting of the Council by a simple majority of the members. Ad hoc committees may be named as the need arises by the Chairman of the Council.


Section 1. The bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the members of the Council at any meeting of the Council, providing the purpose of the proposed changes has been mailed to all members of the Council at least one week prior to the date of the meeting.


Section 1. The North Carolina Archaeological Council shall be organized as a non-profit Association. Said Association shall have and issue no capital stock and is not organized for the purpose of profit or gain to the members. No member of the Association shall, under any circumstances, be entitled to receive nor shall receive as dividends, or otherwise, any part whatever of the moneys, income or other property of the Association. In the event of the dissolution of the Association as provided by law, the Council members shall distribute its assets to some institution or organization which, in the opinion of the members, was organized for the purposes and objects for which this Association was formed and which, in the opinion of the members, will best accomplish the general purposes for which this organization was organized.